Plans for £300m high-tech food campus set to be approved

Plans for a £300m high-tech food manufacturing and distribution campus in Derby which could create up to 5,000 jobs have been recommended for approval, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.

The planned 1.8 million sq ft hub would provide state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, start-up incubation units and a potential location for a Food Manufacturing Technology Centre of Excellence.

The scheme proposes 13 units dedicated to food production, including a distribution centre, a unit for small start-up businesses linked to the food industry, and energy/waste centres.

Additionally, 2,100 car parking spaces are proposed, including accessible spaces and 130 EV spaces with 60 cycle spaces and 20 motorcycle spaces.

A council document published ahead of the planning committee meeting on 15 April said: “This application has the potential to unlock significant investment into Derby and be an important part of the economic recovery following on from the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The potential economic benefits of the project, including the prospect of accommodating some 5,000 jobs, are highly significant, warmly welcomed and should be given considerable weight in determining this application.

“The creation of a SmartParc associated with food production would help to diversify the economic base of the city and would contribute to various objectives.

“There are clearly some major issues to be resolved in bringing this site forward for development, such as land contamination, flood risk and accessibility.

“However, colleagues and partners have devoted considerable energy to understanding a range of complex technical issues to date and, subject to stretching conditions and commitments from the developer, these issues will be carefully addressed as the phases of detailed development are brought forward.”

Time and Attendance Midlands – Your Workforce Management Experts

Moving into brand new premises is a time to congratulate yourself for your success, but it is also the time, particularly if you intend to expand your staff roster in the future, to double-check that your existing systems can handle the increase.

Since it’s what we’re good at, we’ll talk about your time and attendance management system – the way that you record employee attendance and hours. Obviously this kind of a system is useful in waged roles, and if your premises is production or retail based, you likely already have some kind of system to measure these factors.

However, at Time and Attendance Midlands, we believe passionately that time and attendance systems have their place in an office environment too. You might not need to know office staff hours to the minute, but our software and colourful graphical displays make it easy to record when they are late or ill, and to spot if there are any concerning patterns in their absences.

The powerful .NET software also sends you useful alerts, such as if your team are exceptionally busy and risk breaching the European Working Time Regulations, or if someone is accidentally violating the minimum wage regulation.

Having your own purpose-built premises means that you can easily install physical clocking terminals in order to accurately measure your time and attendance. Our clocking terminals work either with employee fingerprints, or with contactless radio-frequency smartcards.

Talk to us today for more information or a bespoke quote tailored to your requirements. We can handle any size of company, from one employee microbusinesses to multi-national enterprises.